Lincoln Pond
~ A Place for All Seasons ~

Web Site of the Lincoln Pond Association, Lincoln Pond, Elizabethtown, New York

Photo by Edward Crandall
For a collection of aerial photos of Lincoln Pond, go here
: Aerial Photo Sheet Lincoln Pond

Wildlife sightings around Lincoln Pond: a bull moose. 

Photo from trail camera maintained by Dave Lawrence on the hill west of Lincoln Pond.

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                                                        2024 SCHEDULE   


Association Board Meeting - May 26, 2024, 9:30 AM: The Board of Directors of the Lincoln Pond Association met on the morning of May 26th to formulate this season's schedule, to review the budget, to address members' concerns, and to discuss other matters that needed to be addressed. Because of the departure of several Board members from the Pond, including our Secretary Karin DeMuro, we appointed an acting secretary (Susan Bradford) and an acting board member (Scott Egglefield), both of whom will be running for those positions when we meet for our annual membership meeting in July. The Board also voted to amend the present Association bylaws to increase the number of Board members who can serve on the Board from our present maximum of 6 to a maximum of 8. Our present bylaws read as follows:
"The Board of Directors will consist of a minimum of 4 and a maximum of 6 members, plus the president, secretary, and treasurer. All members shall be elected from the active membership of the Association. The directors shall formulate the policies of the Association."
We propose to modify this to the following:
"The Board of Directors will consist of a minimum of 4 and a maximum of 8 members, plus the president, secretary, and treasurer. All members shall be elected from the active membership of the Association. The directors shall formulate the policies of the Association."
The Amendment will be voted on at our meeting in July.

Group Road Clean-Up -- conducted Saturday, 6/22/2024. Around a dozen members showed up and focused their clean-up efforts on sections of the road not yet completed in April and May by individual camp groups. The bags we filled were picked up by the County Highway Department. Those unable to join us on that day but willing to participate in our road cleaning efforts can sign up to collect roadside trash later in the summer -- especially after July 4th. You can contact Gerry at 518-603-7422 or at the email address of the Association at: We will provide you with town-issued orange bags that can be left at the side of the road for DPW pickup. Please use the map we prepared to identiy the sections of the road you are willing to cover. See: Lincoln Pond Road - Zoned Trash Clean Up Map.

Annual Membership Meeting -- Saturday, July 20, 9:30 AM -- We had a great turnout at this year's membership meeting, in spite of the road conditions around the Pond caused by our recent severe rains. As we did last year, we met at the Sienkiewicz camp on Lower Pond Way. We voted on a revision of our bylaws, allowing for the expansion of our Board, and held our annual elections. Several new board members (and our new secretary) were elected and several old ones were re-elected. A host of issues were discussed, summarized here -- in our minutes:


Annual Summer Picnic (Saturday, 8/10/2024, 11:30 AM):  Our annual summer picnic took place on Saturday, August 10th. We had a smaller crowd than usual, probabluy due to the recent storm, but the weather on that day was outstanding -- one of the driest and brightest days so far this summer! Not a single mosquito in sight!

                                                 NOTICES AND ACTIVITIES 

* FINALLY -- we have our radar sign in place!!!! After more than three months of waiting it was just intalled.

* Following up on discussion at the membership meeting about our multiple storms and high water problems, we have been in touch with DEC Engineer Tom Lincoln (he was in charge of the Kingdom Dam reconsruction) about the possibility of widening the causeway culvert bridge. As many of you know, when the culvert was installed, it replaced a low, 40-foot wide bridge that allowed for faster drainage of high water from the upper Pond to the lower Pond. Both the County DPW and the DEC acknowledge that this was a mistake and that it needs to be restored to a 40-foot span (and with adequate height to allow for safe boat passage). Currently, the replacement of the current bridge is not slated to happen until around 2037. We are trying to accelerate that schedule. Lincoln has given us some contacts at DEC, DOT, and the Army Corps of Engineers that might prove fruitful. We will be pursuing this and reporting on our progress to you.

* As many of you know, the Lincoln Pond Association has long participated in the Lake Management Tracker Program administered by APPIP (Adirondack Park Invasive Plant Program). For more information about this, go to LAKE MANAGEMENT TRACKING PROGRAM.
As participants in the program, we track the spread of milfoil and try to detect any other invasive aquatic species threatening the health of Lincoln Pond. We would love to have more Association members participating in the program. New training sessions will be scheduled for late spring and summer and information about them will be posted here. If you are interested, please contact Gerry Zahavi through the Association email:

* See more notices and information on local Internet service providers, the Lake Champlain Basin Program Grant (including access to the final report), and the causeway bridge replacement plans here: Notices/Activities -- or via the menu link at the bottom of this page).

* DUES: If you haven't already sent in your annual membership dues ($20 per camp) please do so now. You can send the dues directly to our treasurer, Jeff Sienkiewicz at 68 Marwick Manor, New Milford, CT 06776 or to Gerry Zahavi, 4172 Lincoln Pond Rd. Elizabethtown, NY 12932. Please make all checks payable to the "Lincoln Pond Association."

* LINCOLN POND LOGO MERCHANDISE (all proceeds support the Association):

lincoln pond association logo items

* Some Lincoln Pond T-shirts, mugs, and glasses are available now. More are being ordered (along with other items, soon to be announced). If interested, contact Susan Bradford at: Please insert “Lincoln Pond tee shirts” in the email’s subject line.


  President: Gerry Zahavi (2023-2025)
  Treasurer: Jeff Sienkiewicz (2024-2026)
  Secretary: Susan Bradford (2024-2026)
  Board member: April Spilling (2023-2025)
  Board member: Dave Myers (2023- 2025)
  Board member: Wayne Johnson (2024-2026)
  Board member: Ron Husner  (2024-2026)
  Board member: Jordan Speshock (2024-2026)
  Board member: Scott Eggelfield (2024-2026)
  Board member: Laura Lincoln (2024-2025)
  Board member: Jill Stackhouse (2024-2025)

~ ~ ~ ~


Sunset at Lincoln Pond
(Helen Phinney, Aug. 11, 1971)

A kingfisher skims the water -
the water reflecting the
hills and sky
Pools of pink and purple.Now the colors fade.
The hills take on a deep blue.
The water becomes shimmering
glass - shimmering - moving -
Blue clouds, now, and
darker water - a bird calls
in the trees behind me.

Now all is muted and quiet,
Colors, water - all.

About Us | Notices/Activities | Minutes  |  History |  Photos | LinksMaps |  Reports/DocumentsPassings

Welcome to the official Lincoln Pond Association Web site.

E-mail us at:
  Web site maintained by: Gerry Zahavi
Updated: August 14,  2024